SROL’s Military Programs are divided into two sections – Operation Horse and Coming HOME, please click on the title links below to access the full page for more information
*See Videos of How EAP Can Help PTSD Combat Veterans (EAGALA Website)
*Watch a playlist of videos of How Horses Help Veterans in very powerful life-changing/life-saving ways from all over the USA – (SRoL YouTube)
Operation HORSE
Equine Assisted Services for Military Veterans
Coming HOME
Equine Assisted Services for Military Veterans &
Military Family Members

Spring Reins of Life is an approved EAGALA Military Services Provider Certificate earned and awarded in 2014 (renewed each year with ceu hours). We are the 1st and currently only program in New Jersey!
Spring Reins of Life is also a partner with Real Warriors, Real Battles, Real Strength (since 2011)
*With 23++ veteran suicides per day, we need to do something now today, not tomorrow. The Horses provide “present moment and peace” without having to “talk about it” and that is a great place to start!